Saturday, April 5, 2014

Chasing with Integrity

It's finally spring time here in Nashville!

I'm going to miss the view from my room next year
Normally, this weather would be a cue for me to lace up my running shoes and hit the pavement.   But, I have decided to take a break from running for the month of April.  My IT band has been bothering me. So, running hiatus and foam rolling it is.

This morning I did 5k on the elliptical, 7.5 miles on the stationary bike, and I challenged myself to 10 minutes extra on the rowing machine.  Then, I ate my favorite breakfast of Chobani yogurt with cut up strawberries and granola and a huge glass of ice water.

Happy birthday to Dad O.F.F. (One Foot Forward)!! He's the best and I'm not quite sure what I would do without his unconditional love and support.  I will never be able to thank him enough for everything that he's given me.

People say we look alike- what do you think?

Also congrats to Big Sis O.F.F.! She ran a 5k this morning!

I saw a quote from the show One Tree Hill today: "We spend so much time wanting, pursuing, wishing, but ambition is good. Chasing things with integrity is good."  After reading that, I thought that maybe my first official blog post would be about some goals I intend on chasing with integrity in the next year.

Some of them are fitness related and others are "just because I can" goals.  The list right now is short, but some of them are pretty ambitious and will require a lot of hard work on my part.

My Goals: 
Run a half marathon
Run a 5k with Mom O.F.F.
Bike 60 miles with Dad O.F.F. 
Donate my hair
Organize old papers

My top goal for this year is running a half marathon.  I have had this goal for quite some time.  In fact, I began to train for one at the beginning of the school year, but I ran into some injuries.  Hopefully after my running hiatus, I will be able to start running comfortably again and be smarter about my training.  I have two races in mind for the year: Rock 'n' Roll St. Louis and Disney World Half Marathon.

I have faith in myself that I will accomplish this goal.  I promise myself that I will train hard. I promise to push myself. I promise to want, pursue, and wish for this goal.  But, I will also have the ambition to chase after it with all possible integrity.

What are you chasing with integrity?

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